Eastman Professors at the University of Oxford

The Eastman Professorship was established in 1929 by George Eastman, founder of the Eastman Kodak Company. Eastman created a chair at Oxford University to be filled on a visiting basis by senior American Scholars of the highest distinction.  Each appointment is made for one year. The fund which supports the Eastman Professorship is administered by the Board of Directors of the AARS through the American Trust For Oxford University. Electors to the Eastman Chair are the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University, four persons appointed by the Council of Oxford University, two persons appointed by the Board of Directors of the AARS, and two persons from Balliol College (to which the visiting professorship is associated).

Applications for the Eastman Professorship are usually invited on an annual basis around June. Any inquiries should be addressed to:

The Secretary, Board of Electors to the George Eastman Visiting Professorship
University Offices
Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD, U.K.
or by e-mail to professorships@admin.ox.ac.uk

Candidates will be asked to seek nomination by another individual through one of the constituent units of the relevant Oxford division, and to supply a cv/list of publications and the names of three referees.  http://chronicle.com/jobs/0000637585-01

The Eastman Professors

2024-25 Vijay Balasubramanian Cathy and Marc Lasry Professor of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania
2024 Josiah Ober Constantine Mitsotakis Professor in Humanities and Sciences, Stanford University
2023 Anna Deavere Smith Professor at the Tisch School of the Arts, New York University
2022-23 Carolyn Heinrich Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor of Public Policy, Education and Economics, Peabody College, Vanderbilt University
2021-22 Harold Hongju Koh Sterling Professor of International Law, Yale Law School
2020-21 Philippa Levine Walter Prescott Webb Chair in History and Ideas, University of Texas at Austin
2019-20 Tyler VanderWeele John L. Loeb and Frances Lehman Loeb Professor of Epidemiology, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
2018-19 Kenneth S. Suslick Marvin T. Schmidt Research Professor of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2017-18 Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe Clyde and Evelyn Slusser Chair in English, University of California, Berkeley
2016-17 Niles A. Pierce Professor of Applied & Computational Mathematics and Bioengineering, California Institute of Technology
2015-16 Peter McCullagh John D. MacArthur Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Chicago
2014-15 Vacant  
2013-14 G. John Ikenberry Albert G. Milbank Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University
2012-13 V. Kofi Agawu Professor of Music, Princeton University
2011-12 Carl Wunsch Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physical Oceanography, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2010-11 Edward A. Fisher Leon H. Charney Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, Professor of Pediatrics and Cell Biology, New York University
2009-10 Gretchen Holbrook Gerzina Kathe Tappe Vernon Professor in Biography and Chair of the Department of English, Dartmouth College
2008-09 Lynn Margulis Distinguished University Professor, Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
2007-08 Frederick Schauer Frank Stanton Professor of the First Amendment, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
2006-07 Ronald A. Roy Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Boston University
2005-06 Mary Carruthers Erich Maria Remarque Professor of Literature, New York University
2004-05 Peter Brandt Evans Eliaser Professor of International Studies and Professor of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley
2003-04 Daniel I. Rubenstein Professor and Chair, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University
2002-03 William D. Phillips National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland
2001-02 Peter Brooks Chester D. Tripp Professor of Humanities, Yale University
2000-01 John Lewis Gaddis Robert L. Lovett Professor of History, Yale University
1999-00 Martin Karplus Theodore William Richards Professor of Chemistry, Harvard University
1998-99 Vacant  
1997-98 Harry B. Gray Arnold O. Beckman Professor of Chemistry, California Institute of Technology
1996-97 Renee C. Fox Annenberg Professor of the Social Sciences, University of Pennsylvania
1995-96 J. D. Bjorken Professor, Stanford University Linear Accelerator Center
1994-95 Natalie Zemon Davis Professor of History, Princeton University
1993-94 Philip W. Anderson Joseph Henry Professor of Physics, Princeton University
1992-93 Robin W. Winks Professor of History and Master of Berkeley College, Yale University
1991-92 Richard H. Ullman David K. E. Bruce Professor of International Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University
1990-91 David H. Hubel Professor of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School
1989-90 A. Walton Litz Professor of English, Princeton University
1988-89 Erwin L. Hahn Professor of Physics, University of California, Berkeley
1987-88 Charles Welles Rosen Professor of Music, State University of New York at Stony Brook
1986-87 Robert Darnton Shelby Cullum Davis Professor of European History, Princeton University
1985-86 Don K. Price Weatherhead Professor Emeritus of Public Management, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
1984-85 Donald Davidson Department of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley
1983-84 Baruch S. Blumberg Institute for Cancer Research, Philadelphia
1982-83 Harry Levin Professor of Comparative Literature, Harvard University
1981-82 Clyde Hutchison Professor of Chemistry, University of Chicago
1980-81 W. H. McNeill Professor of History, University of Chicago
1979-80 Henry P. McKean Professor of Mathematics, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
1978-79 Clifford J. Geertz Professor of Anthropology, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ
1977-78 Charles Tanford Department of Biochemistry, Duke University
1976-77 Sheldon Wolin Department of Politics, Princeton University
1975-76 John R. Pappenheimer Department of Physiology, Harvard University Medical School
1974-75 Benjamin I. Schwartz Professor of History and Government, Harvard University
1973-74 Norman F. Ramsey Professor of Physics, Harvard University
1972-73 Frank Edward Manuel Professor of History, New York University
1971-72 Hans Lukas Teuber Professor of Psychology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1970-71 Eugene V. Rostow Sterling Professor of Law, Yale University
1969-70 Arthur Marder Professor of History, University of California, Irvine
1968-69 Robert M. Solow Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1967-68 Melvin Calvin Professor of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of California, Berkeley
1966-67 George W. Mackey Professor of Mathematics, Harvard University
1965-66 Charles S. Barrett Professor of Metallurgy, Institute for the Study of Metals, University of Chicago
1964-65 Lionel Trilling Professor of English, Columbia University
1963-64 J. F. Bonner Professor of Biology, California Institute of Technology
1962-63 Garrett Mattingly William R. Shepherd Professor of European History, Columbia University
1961-62 John H. Van Vleck Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural History, Harvard University
1959-60 Homer Thompson Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ
1958-59 George W. Beadle Professor and Chairman Biology Division, California Institute of Technology, President, University of Chicago
1957-58 George F. Kennan Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ
1956-57 Harold C. Urey Martin A. Ryerson Distinguished Service Professor of Chemistry, University of Chicago, Professor of Chemistry-at-large, University of California
1955-56 Roger S. Loomis Professor of English, Columbia University
1954-55 John H. Finley, Jr. Eliot Professor of Greek Literature and Master of Eliot House, Harvard University
1953-54 Willard VanOrman Quine Professor of Philosophy, Harvard University
1952-53 George Washington Corner Director, Department of Embryology, Carnegie Institute of Washington, Washington, D.C., Visiting Professor, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research and Executive Officer, American Philosophical Society
1951-52 Donald A. Stauffer Professor of English and Department Chairman, Princeton University
1949-50 Wallace Notestein Professor Emeritus, English History, Yale University
1948 Linus Pauling Professor and Chairman, Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Professor of Chemistry, University of California, San Diego
1945-46 Benjamin D. Merritt Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J.
1944 Charles H. McIlwain Eaton Professor of Science and Government, Harvard University
1939-40 Joseph Chamberlain Professor of Public Law, and Director, Legislative Drafting Research Fund, Columbia University
1937-38 Tenney Frank Professor of Latin, The Johns Hopkins University
1936-37 Simon Flexner Director Emeritus, The Rockefeller Institute
1935-36 Herbert Spencer Jennings Henry Walters Professor of Zoology and Director of Zoological Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins University
1934-35 Arthur Holly Compton Distinguished Service Professor of Physics, University of Chicago
1933-34 Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Harvard University, Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States
1931-32 Wesley C. Mitchell Professor of Economics, Columbia University
1930-31 John Livingston Lowes Frances Lee Higginson Professor of English, Harvard University