Reception and Luncheon for New Rhodes Class

The Board of Directors of the

Association of American Rhodes Scholars

cordially invite you to attend the

Reception and Departure Luncheon

in honor of Rhodes Scholars for 2011

with honored guests

Dr. Donald Markwell, Warden

(Queensland and Trinity 1981)


Elliot F. Gerson (Connecticut and Magdalen 1974)

American Secretary of The Rhodes Trust

and guest speaker

Benjamin Todd Jealous (New York and St. Antony’s 1997)

President and CEO


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

at 11:30 a.m. for 12:30 p.m.

The Cosmos Club

2121 Massachusetts Avenue, NW

Washington, DC

Price per person: $75 Business Attire

($50 for matriculants of 2001 or later)

RSVP by September 21, 2011 to Beth Maslowsky

at 703-821-5960.
