The American Oxonian

The American Oxonian is the quarterly publication of the Association of American Rhodes Scholars. Founded in 1914, the Oxonian is both an alumni magazine, featuring class letters, obituaries, and news of interest to Rhodes Scholars and select Oxonians, and a journal of arts, letters, and politics, featuring articles of contemporary as well as historical relevance. Additionally, one issue each year--the Annual Address List--is devoted to facilitating continued contact among Rhodes Scholars and subscribing Oxonians.

Articles by or about Rhodes Scholars and Oxonians, as well as articles about Oxford and matters connected with the Rhodes Scholarships, should be sent directly to the editor, as should books for review. Contact: Lauren Jackson, Editor, The American Oxonian,

Annual Subscriptions (four issues, plus The American Rhodes Scholar booklet of Rhodes Scholar-elect biographies): Rhodes Scholars ($85.00), Oxonians ($85.00), Institutions ($100.00). Subscriptions, inquiries, and changes of address should be sent to: AARS, P.O. Box 3868, McLean, VA 22103;

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