Edwin Hubble and Modern Cosmology, a talk with Bruce Partidge

As a continuing feature of the Bon Voyage Weekend, we attempt to provide the new Rhodes Scholar class with some historical depth and perspective on the Rhodes Scholarship. 

Previously we have had Robert Rotberg (New Jersey & University 1957), author of The Founder: Cecil Rhodes and the Pursuit of Power, discuss the character, personality and career of the Founder for the 2009 class, and in 2010 Jack Zoeller (New York & University 1972) spoke about Alain Locke (Pennsylvania & Hertford 1907) derived from his archival research published in “Alain Locke at Oxford: Race and the Rhodes Scholarships” in the Spring 2007 issue of The American Oxonian (Vol. XCIV, No. 2).

This year we are delighted to have Bruce Partridge (New Jersey & New College 1962), Professor Emeritus of Astronomy at Haverford College, to talk about Edwin P. Hubble (Illinois & Queen’s 1910).  Bruce published “Edwin Hubble and Modern Cosmology” in the Winter 2011 issue of The American Oxonian  (Vol. XCVIII, No. 1) in commemoration of the centenary of Hubble’s election to the Rhodes Scholarship. 

All Rhodes Scholars are welcome to join the Rhodes Scholar Class of 2011 for the lecture and discussion of Hubble’s significance to astronomy on Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 11:30 am in Room SVC 201-00 in the Capitol Visitor Center on the east side of the U.S. Capitol. 

The program is open to the entire AARS community and we cordially invite you to join us and to meet the members of the newest class, including Rhodes Scholars from Jamaica, the Commonwealth Caribbean and Zimbabwe.

No RSVP is necessary.  Please contact Beth Maslowsky with any questions: 703-821-5960. 
