Rhodes '06 Reunion Plans, October 3-5, 2014

Friday, October 3: Gather on the Mall for an informal picnic, around 4:30 pm (no RSVP required, partners/children welcome); after party to follow, venue TBD

Saturday, October 4: Segway tour of Washington, DC, time TBD; RSVP Paul Angelo (paul.joseph.angelo@gmail.com)

Saturday, October 4: Dinner, venue TBD, 6 pm, partners welcome; RSVP Jacquelyn Bengfort (jacquelyn@bengfort.com); after party to follow, venue TBD

Sunday, October 5: Informal brunch hosted by Jacquelyn Bengfort at her home in the Bloomingdale neighborhood, 9 am, partners/children welcome; RSVP Jacquelyn Bengfort (jacquelyn@bengfort.com)

I can also be reached at (701) 680-1685.

Jacquelyn Bengfort (ND & Wolfson '06)